Sunday, November 25, 2007

New Orleans Officials Praise Themselves for a Job Done Wrong

Leaders in New Orleans today, praise themselves for finally settling a racial discrimination lawsuit against the District Attorney's Office. Well guess what? The city again had to be bailed out by another government agency, this time it was the State of Louisiana, for a problem that should have been settled long ago. It is only going to cost taxpayers 1.6 million dollars to pay off a 3.2 million dollar lawsuit. The City of New Orleans is going to "loan" the DA's office 1 million dollars against future fines the office brings in. FACT: If the city had paid this judgement when it was first brought about, the total amount would have only been 1.6 million. Wow, great job guys for putting off another one of your failures onto others. At least this time it is not my tax dollars that will be waisted in this idiotic bailout. I hope every person in Louisiana likes where their tax dollars, money that could be helping the recovery effort, is being waisted. This is one of the many reason's why I say that the Federal Government should not give more of my money to be squandered in Louisiana. I believe a lot of people need help in Louisiana. But my Federal tax money should not be used until the people of Louisiana get their own house in order.

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